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Permalink 03:18:10 pm, by Laurie Email , 18 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emerson Maria

We were excited to welcome Emerson Maria on Saturday, February 16. She is 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches of princess!

Permalink 03:04:17 pm, by Sim Email , 0 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome



Permalink 10:23:53 am, by Mark Email , 20 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome


I Just wanted to say congratulations to Ray and Nikki we are so proud of you love Mark and Erica


Permalink 02:23:16 pm, by Laurie Email , 17 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Big Ol' Fish!

This is Caleb's big catch. It's a 19", 3lb brown trout. He is so very proud of it.

Permalink 02:22:43 pm, by Laurie Email , 0 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

January 2008 066.jpg

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