Category: Welcome

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Permalink 09:28:35 pm, by Ray Email , 239 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Smiles Aplenty!

 Wow!  It's been a busy few weeks.  Caleb had his First Communion/Confirmation; Luke had his first birthday; Emme had her first solo sleepover at Memere's; and Carter is giving us his first smiles!  Carter is growing like a weed and last tipped the sca… more »


Permalink 08:55:11 am, by Ray Email , 413 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Carter & Emme Growing Up!

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Permalink 10:47:05 am, by Ray Email , 77 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Meet Carter James Boissonneault!

Carter is here!  He arrived yesterday at 3:45 in the afternoon.   He is 8lbs 7oz and is 21" long.  Nikki did a great job and is doing wonderfully.  Carter is a big eater and has taken to nursing like a champ.  They will be home tomorrow afternoon. Here… more »


Permalink 06:01:38 pm, by Brian Email , 135 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome


So much has changed since our last posting. Luke is now over 25lbs and is crawling fast and standing up. He has four front teeth and likes to say his new first word " HI ". He is so much fun laughing and playing. Luke had his first christmas in Ohio wher… more »


Permalink 10:00:10 pm, by Ray Email , 157 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Merry Christmas!!

We hope everyone had a Wondeful Christmas.  I know we did!  Emerson was so excited to see what Santa left her, and we enjoyed every minute of it.  This was Emerson's first year of understanding about Santa and Presents. Emme in her Christmas dress… more »

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