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Permalink 11:49:28 pm, by Ray Email , 73 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Christmas Cookies with Emerson


Emerson had fun with us making some Christmas cookies!

She loved rolling out the dough and using the stencils.

Baking is soooo fun to get into :)

It's amazing to see how the cookies tend to evaporate off of the pan once they come out of  the oven.  If you want some of her cookies, you will need to be right there when we make them :)



Have a Merry Christmas!!


Permalink 08:15:22 pm, by Nikki Email , 102 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

First Snow of the Season


Emerson was very interested in checking out Santa while we waited in line to meet him. She was happy to wave at him and say hello...from a distance.



Emerson and Papa's favorite dessert...brownies...right from the bowl




Ready to go and explore the snow!! Or as Emme called it as she looked out the window, "Mess!"?:D


Being a great helper and shoveling with Papa.?


We didn't have a sled for this snow storm, but we were able to improvise


Our beautiful view the morning after






Permalink 07:33:53 pm, by Brian Email , 17 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

A few random pictures

The streets are now safe

Tough Guy
Meeting the neighbor's pig
Spending time with uncle Mark
?Is it christmas yet??


Permalink 07:54:18 pm, by Nikki Email , 6 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Never knew one word could be so cute!


Permalink 08:39:37 pm, by Nikki Email , 5 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Our little teapot

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