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Permalink 08:41:51 pm, by Brian Email , 78 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Four Months Old Today

Luke is four months old today and went to the doctor for his birthday shots. :'( He has received a clean bill of health. Luke is now 25 1/2 inches tall and 15?1/2 pounds. He?is such a happy baby and makes us smile every day. Here are a few pictures

?Did someone say we are out of milk?

Is there something on my leg?
I heard rat tails are back in style
This crib is?awful short
do you like my new pedicure?


Permalink 08:36:47 pm, by Brian Email , 108 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Busy Last Month

We have been very busy in the last month.? Luke looks like he grows so much every day. He took his first plane ride to Ohio. We were a little scared how he would do, but he handled it like a seasoned pro.

? I think I can get used to this
Having fun with Nana and Papa
Papa's got the stuff I like
I'm not sure who wore who out
I thought we would start early with paino lessons with aunt Betty
Maybe we need to look for a different calling
I got to meet my Great Grand Ma and Great?Grand Pa
If you want anything done right you have to do it yourself


Permalink 09:29:00 pm, by Nikki Email , 281 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome


Here are some photos of Emerson over the past month or so. Some quite random but we think you will enjoy them all. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! Emerson really enjoyed the fireworks!?
Enjoying dinner and a movie, Emerson took to eating pizza like a pro!?

? Helping her Papa finish off the side of the house so we could start the patio

?Emerson picks things up pretty quickly as she jumped right into helping out with laying pavers. She absolutely LOVES her new froggy puddle boots and insists on wearing them with everything, including this summer dress. She also picked out the "matching" pink bows...we have time to work on her fashion sense.


I'm not kidding when I say the boots go with everything...even PJ's...


?Here is Emerson and her pal Dylan enjoying his new swing set


We were finally able to fill her pool, here is Emerson getting to know how a hose works.?


We broke out the tea set that Memere bought to keep her busy during all these rainy days. She loves stirring her tea!?


Papa and Emerson playing with the waves at her Great, Great Aunt Dottie's house on the 4th.?


?Emerson and Papa waiting for the fireworks to start and enjoying the beautiful full moon.


Mom and Emme just before the start of the fireworks show over the lake.?


Emerson and Mom waiting for the next big "boom"?


Emerson with her Great Grammie at the Lake on the 4th.?


Emme's first boat ride...she had a great time but the life jacket was a bit uncomfortable




Permalink 06:23:50 pm, by Brian Email , 26 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Off to the Office

It's time to go to the office and earn our keep around here.

Spending some time with Louie after our bath
Trying to talk on the phone


Permalink 09:38:57 pm, by Brian Email , 12 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Who's lazer toy is it?

These two were fighting over it. Who will win Issac or Louie?

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