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Permalink 04:17:23 pm, by Brian Email , 57 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

First Trip To Cabela's

Luke made his first trip to Cabela's today. It must have been a bit overwhelming as he slept most of the time. He had his 8 week check up this week. He is now 11lb 8oz and 25in tall. He has grown so much in the last two months. Here are a few pictures form the last week.


Permalink 04:57:06 pm, by Brian Email , 41 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

7 Weeks Old

Luke is now seven weeks old and starting to smile alot in the morning and after bath time. He went to the sitter three days this week.:(? He comes home very tired.:D Here are a few pictures from this week.


Permalink 02:34:02 pm, by Brian Email , 11 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Can You Find Luke?

One month old today. Thought we would have some fun.:D


Permalink 09:04:04 pm, by Brian Email , 12 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Luke is two weeks old

Here are a few pictures of Luke over the last two weeks


Permalink 08:43:22 pm, by Ray Email , 166 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Summer in April

Emerson had a fantastic time visiting Maine this weekend! We are going to be spending a lot of time at the beach this summer, she's a little water bug!

?We stopped to vist with Aunt Laurie's turkeys - they were very tame and fun to pet.


Running with Memere at Biddeford Pool


Oh, look a rock, and another one...and another one...and another one...


Isaac decided to take a little nap, they do say the sound of waves is very soothing!


Running away from the waves


Too bad she didn't have any fun


Sea swept and wind blown


Caleb enjoying the view from atop the tide pool


He found tons of snails and some very tiny, purple star fish


?Showing off our pedicures


A beach bunny for sure


These two are going to get into tons of trouble together, in just a short while!?


Admiring the daffodils with Papa






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