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Permalink 08:47:06 pm, by Ray Email , 51 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Welcome to Luke Paul Boissonneault

We are so happy to welcome Luke Paul Boissonneault to our family.

Mom and Luke are doing wonderfully and are expecting to go home tomorrow.?

Here are some more pictures of this super-cutie!? Click on the link to see a full sized picture to save as your own wall paper.




Permalink 09:01:08 am, by Brian Email , 14 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Luke is here

Luke arrived last night at 7:11 PM. He is 7lb 8oz and 21in long.



Permalink 10:46:10 am, by Nikki Email , 201 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Easter & Nikki's Birthday

We had a great Easter/Birthday weekend -- here are a few pictures we thought you would enjoy seeing!

Emerson's first Easter Egg Hunt at the Town Park


Emerson & Dylan?
Emme was happy with just one Easter Egg that she repeatedly put in and pulled out of her basket
Happy Easter Morning!
She loved opening the eggs, and then handing them to us to put back together
Ready for summer!
A girl who knows what she wants
Bubbles from the automatic bubble blower - SO much easier than blowing bubbles the "old fashion" way
Mmmm...Mmmmm She loved the chocolate. Against statistics, Emme took a bite out of the bunny's tail first.
We took the chocolate away from her so she would't be on a sugar high all day...this was the result.
All pretty and sweet in her Easter Dress
And a special, personal visit from the Easter Bunny. She wasn't too sure about her new friend but we did manage to capture a little smile.?
Milk, it does a body good.
Cutest Easter Bunny in Town?
Happy Birthday Mumma!?
?Emerson relaxing with Grampy
Her second Easter outfit, a little more comfy
Nikki's special cake from Ray




Permalink 08:59:33 pm, by Brian Email , 7 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Luke's Room

Just a few pictures of Luke's room.

Permalink 08:58:23 am, by Nikki Email , 109 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emerson's 1 Year Photos

A great Family Day was spent at Emerson's one year photo shoot this
past weekend. She, as usual, did a great job smiling and Mom and Papa
got a complete workout trying to keep her still and in front of the
camera. You can see below how great the "sit down on the stool, please"
photos came out -- We wouldn't change them one bit!?

People were peaking in to see her during this shoot, thinking she was the cutest
thing ever. They couldn't believe that this was her one year photo
session and that she wasn't "at least two."








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