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Permalink 10:38:07 am, by Ray Email , 170 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Long time, Lots of activities

Sorry for the long delay between posts, it's been a very busy summer. ? Emerson has had a large number of firsts and is keeping us on our toes (as well as herself)

Emme is now 6 months old and is on the move! She is creeping/crawling and is now figuring out how to pull herself up on things. She loves standing and we don't think it will be too long before she attempts walking (although we are hoping she'll hold off on that for a little while). ?

?Emerson enjoying her pool time


? Memere and a pacifier, her life is complete

? Cousin Isaac enjoying some fresh air, and fresh dirt! ?

? Playing with the camera settings, Emme and Isaac are just peachy

? Wee! Higher Daddy!

?Emm's new moisturizer, available in stores soon! ?

?Emerson enjoying some quality time with Dylan at his 1st birthday party

? Yoga anyone? This is one of her favorite poses. ?

? Trying out Mommy's headband...can you believe the hair?

Here Kitty, kitty, kitty... Having fun at Memere's house




Permalink 01:06:45 pm, by Laurie Email , 424 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

We have kept busy with lots of fun this month!

Wow! ? July has been quite the month. ? Isaac turned one and celebrated
with family and friends. He has also taken his first steps and had
picked up some sign language and a few more words. Caleb and Isaac have
visited parks and had many adventures with friends. ? Caleb is enjoying
the freedom of summer. ? We have had several chances to get together
with family and have really enjoyed ourselves this month.


Caleb is now an official Tiger Scout. ? He is so excited about earning badges!
Isaac has a green thumb. Ok, well a dirt brown one at least!
The boys are enjoying a freezer pop. ? This is Isaac's favorite summer treat!
We took an overnite trip to New Hampshire to visit some friends. ? Caleb, Isaac, Maddie and Abigayle had a good time at Santa's Village. ? You know, his summer home!
The boys had a chance to visit with Santa. ? Caleb even met "real live" elves. ? They were a bit
taller than he expected! ?
?Happy 1st Birthday!
Just look at the cake and it's all for me! Keep back, Caleb!
Man, that cake was good. ? Anyone want a piece?
Caleb learns to swim and dive underwater! ?
? Enjoying a little pool time in the warm weather.
? Emerson goes on her first trip to the beach.
Memere enjoying a little snuggle time with Emerson. ?
Isaac dips his toes in the cold Maine ocean for the first time.
Caleb surfs the waves! ?
Isaac and Emerson relax after a busy afternoon at the beach.
Rub-a-dub-dub, three cousins in a tub, cleaning up from the beach.
Isaac's first time strawberry picking (I mean eating) at Pattens.
Caleb poses for a picture with his strawberries. ? Isaac however can't take his eyes off them.
Caleb tries to train the turkeys. ? He gets them to perch on his arm. ? Isaac likes to watch Caleb with the "too-keys".
Uncle Brian help Caleb build and launch his rocket. ? Caleb can't wait to get more engines and do it again!
Caleb and Gwyneth taking turns calling turkeys at the Maine Wildlife Park.
They collected dozens of hermit crabs at the beach. Thanks Uncle Brian and Aunt Tabby for the crab condo!
Caleb has a pony ride at York's Wild Kingdom.
Caleb and Gwyneth ride an elephant name Lydia.
? Isaac and Memere feeds ducks at York's.
Isaac has a close encounter with hungry goats. ?
? Just look at all those birds. Isaac tries out his bird call. EEEEE!
We look forward to an exciting and adventuresome August. Have fun evervone! :D





Permalink 06:06:41 pm, by Nikki Email , 244 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emme is a busy, busy "B"

We've been quite busy lately with our little Emerson. Ray has been
on vacation this week and we were able to spend some quality time up in
Maine - celebrating Isaacs 1st birthday! Emerson is laughing more and
can be quite the chatter box at times. We are happy to report that she
is sleeping through the night again, now averaging between 10 and 12
hours (very happy parents!). She isn't crawling yet but has mastered
pushing herself backwards. She's moved from rice cereal alone to fruit
and vegetable accompaniments. Her favorite so far is squash and her
least favorite is pears -- see the attached video for her entertaining
reaction to them. ?

? ?

?Go ahead punk - make Emme's day... ?

Routine morning, afternoon, night and all the time stretch
Emerson's first time in her kiddie pool - she loved it!
Just a glimpse at the bed head we've been having lately
Emme's first fireworks!
Emerson's cousin Isaac loved giving her hugs
And patted her back to make her feel welcome
The proud Birthday Boy!
Isaac had a campout in his backyard with his family - here is Emerso's first camping morning, all smiles!
For those of you who haven't seen Emme's hair in a while... ?
? ?
Emerson's first 'big' pool adventure
Getting ready for the beach at Memere's house ? - so excited
Her first dip in the Atlantic Ocean - She really loves being in the water
Relaxing after a very busy day at the beach





Permalink 12:23:47 am, by Laurie Email , 150 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

So Much Going On!

Caleb learned to ride his two wheel bike. No more training wheels! ?

? Caleb played soccer with some of his classmates and friends. ?

? Isaac discovered he loves spaghetti!


? Caleb introduced Isaac to the new turkeys. ? We had four turkeys hatch.

Isaac thinks the turkeys are great entertainment. ? He will sit and watch them, listening to them chirp, and babble away back at them. ? Then he laughs at the whole situation!

Mark did a balloon drop at school with his TWC truck. ? Caleb invented this contraption to catch a water balloon without it breaking. ? He was successful!

Caleb and Isaac posed for pictures on the last day of school. ? Wow! ? The year went by so quickly!

On the last day of school Caleb preformed in his first concert. ?

?Caleb and his teacher, Mrs. Frisbie.

Caleb writes about each vacation day in his Summer Think Book. ? Isaac is quality control! ?




Permalink 10:17:10 pm, by Nikki Email , 233 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Growing So Quicky!

Wow, so much has happened since our last post. Here's a quick list:

  • Many will be happy to hear that Emerson is no longer sleeping through the night...her parents aren't included in that group.
  • Emerson had her 4 month check-up and passed with flying colors 25 3/4 inches (90th percentile) and 14lb5oz (75th percentile)
  • She is now rolling from back to front and front to back!
  • Her new favorite toys are her feet and has traded in her pacifier for her arm...she has given herself her first hickey!
  • Emerson
    also has a new favorite hobby...she does it all the time, including
    while trying to eat, you'll have to see for yourself in the video
(VIDEO) Emme's New Trick...She keeps us laughing, that's for sure!
Emme really likes spinning her froggy and eating the sun on her play bouncer
Who needs a teddy bear when you can cuddle your pacifier
We've already told Emerson that when a boy pulls your hair it means he likes you...
Dylan must really, really like Emerson!
We love our Grampy for so many reasons, his dress style is just one of them!
Our smiley little girl in her first Ralph Lauren
Emerson with her Papa at Uncle Marky (and Aunt Erica's) wedding
Aunt Laurie getting some lovin from Emerson and her cousin Isaac
Yeah, It's Summer!!
Emerson's first Father's Day

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