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Sorry for the long delay between posts, it's been a very busy summer. ? Emerson has had a large number of firsts and is keeping us on our toes (as well as herself)
Emme is now 6 months old and is on the move! She is creeping/crawling and is now figuring out how to pull herself up on things. She loves standing and we don't think it will be too long before she attempts walking (although we are hoping she'll hold off on that for a little while). ?
?Emerson enjoying her pool time
? Memere and a pacifier, her life is complete
? Cousin Isaac enjoying some fresh air, and fresh dirt! ?
? Playing with the camera settings, Emme and Isaac are just peachy
? Wee! Higher Daddy!
?Emerson enjoying some quality time with Dylan at his 1st birthday party
? Yoga anyone? This is one of her favorite poses. ?
? Trying out Mommy's headband...can you believe the hair?
Wow! ? July has been quite the month. ? Isaac turned one and celebrated
with family and friends. He has also taken his first steps and had
picked up some sign language and a few more words. Caleb and Isaac have
visited parks and had many adventures with friends. ? Caleb is enjoying
the freedom of summer. ? We have had several chances to get together
with family and have really enjoyed ourselves this month.
We've been quite busy lately with our little Emerson. Ray has been
on vacation this week and we were able to spend some quality time up in
Maine - celebrating Isaacs 1st birthday! Emerson is laughing more and
can be quite the chatter box at times. We are happy to report that she
is sleeping through the night again, now averaging between 10 and 12
hours (very happy parents!). She isn't crawling yet but has mastered
pushing herself backwards. She's moved from rice cereal alone to fruit
and vegetable accompaniments. Her favorite so far is squash and her
least favorite is pears -- see the attached video for her entertaining
reaction to them. ?
? ?
?Go ahead punk - make Emme's day... ?
Wow, so much has happened since our last post. Here's a quick list: