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Permalink 07:30:07 am, by Ray Email , 137 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Constant changes!

Emerson has spent the last few weeks working on her vocals. As you can
see here, she is doing quite well at voicing her opinions.

It's amazing to see how many things change so quickly. After
only one week in China,
I can see a difference in what she's doing and what she learned.

She laughed for the first time this week, a couple of quick chuckles.
It's even funnier seeing the things Gigi and Mama will do to try to make her
laugh! :D



Emerson's weekly couch
picture. She's growing so quickly!

One of the rare times Emerson wears
a hat. Who needs a hat with all that hair!

Emerson and Mama relax after a rough afternoon.

We'll see you all at Mark and Erica's Wedding!

Love Nikki and Ray


Permalink 09:14:37 pm, by Nikki Email , 33 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Too Cute Not To Share

To show that Emme doesn't always is her famous chubba lip



What do you think, Crazy Hair Contest Winner? ?



Emerson's First Dress...Just Beautiful







Permalink 09:33:35 pm, by Nikki Email , 77 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

First Mother's Day!

We had a great first Mother's Day with cards, flowers, family and the only vacuum a woman should ever receive as a gift...the Roomba! Emerson has now started to talk, telling us lots of stories and putting lots of emotion and effort into every sound!

Four Generations on Mother's Day
Hey - I know you!
Just one of Emerson's future prom dates, Aidan
Giggle, Giggle
Laughing with her friend
How could you not just fall in love!


Permalink 08:08:27 am, by Nikki Email , 165 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Growing like a weed!

Emerson is truly growing like a weed and is getting stronger every
day. She holds her head up like a pro checking everything out that is
around her. She loves watching the Red Sox on tv -- already a die hard
fan. Jerry Remy's voice is her favorite lullaby these days...which
seems to put her out for an average of 10 hours a night - Mom and Dad
thank her every morning for that!!!

Her smiles are getting bigger and are now being accompanied by
some talking now and then. She just recently starting figuring out what
her hands are really for and loves to grab at her toy puppy and pink

Going for a ride in the same carraige her Mom rode in


With all this beauty sleep no wonder she's so adorable


Smile for Mommy!
First shorts of the year - gotta love the socks

Hanging out with her Great Grandpa
Road tripping with her cousin Isaac
Hair model at play




Permalink 07:45:15 pm, by Nikki Email , 181 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Smiles a plenty!

Emerson is now just over two months old and is starting to show her wonderful personality. We get smiles throughout the day but none bigger than when she sees her mom or dad's face in the morning - it takes a lot to have a bad day after seeing it! We are thrilled to be having such wonderful weather, which allows us to get out for walks and enjoy the outdoors. At her 2 month check-up Emerson weighed in at 10lb 7oz and is now 23in tall. We can't believe how big she has gotten since our first post. We wish she would stay little but at the same time are loving watching her grow and discover her world --- recently those discoveries have been her hands and a very active tongue.
One of Mom's favorite outfits!
Our perfect little ray of sunshine
J-Lo has nothing on Emerson!
We asked Emme what she thought of the Yankees...
Cuddling with Mr. Elephant - a gift from her cousin Jake's own stuffed animal collection
We think some miracle grow slipped into her shampoo
Hey - I know you!

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