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Merry Christmas!!


Permalink 10:00:10 pm, by Ray Email , 157 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Merry Christmas!!

We hope everyone had a Wondeful Christmas.  I know we did!  Emerson was so excited to see what Santa left her, and we enjoyed every minute of it.  This was Emerson's first year of understanding about Santa and Presents.

Emme in her Christmas dress on Christmas Eve before going to the Laucis party.

Emme's first "Bike".  It was the first thing that she saw when she came into the living room.

Her favorite toy from Santa was her Bouncy Castle!  This thing is going to be hours of fun!

After about five minutes:  I think she'd stick to the ceiling if you put her up there :)

But the best toy of the day was from Gigi and Grampy.  I'm sure we'll be chasing her all over the yard until she learns how to steer!

A nice family picture on Christmas Eve.

Uncle Mike is back from San Diego.  Emerson has been having lots of fun with him.

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