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Carter & Emme Growing Up!


Permalink 08:55:11 am, by Ray Email , 413 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Carter & Emme Growing Up!

Happy Easter!

Carter is almost one month old and Emme has been a wonderful sister.   Carter has been adjusting to life at home at the same time that Mom and Papa are adjusting to the new sleeping hours.  He has been eating very well, but has some problems with gas that has been making sleep a little more difficult.

He went on his first Easter egg hunt with Emme, but seemed more interested in relaxing in the beautiful weather we've been having.  So Emme was a very good sister and shared some of her eggs with him.  Emme has turned into a very skilled Easter egg hunter this year.  She's had plenty of practice, going to two different egg hunts, one at the local Rod & Gun club and one more at Auntie Jeanette's.

Here are a bunch of pictures that we've taken over the past few weeks.  Blog entries are certainly not as easy as they used to be , but we wouldn' t change a thing!

Emme and Luke playing during his visit to our house.  He's sooo Big!

Uncle Brian holding Carter.

Cousin Caleb enjoying his visit with Carter

Memere gets her chance to hold Carter as well

Cousin Isaac playing dressup with some of Emme's accessories.

Emme showing her new fish tank to Cousin Caleb.

Caleb holding Luke.  He's just HUGE!.

Memere's just in heaven.

Emme wanted to get in on the feeding as well.  Isaac was happy to be the subject.

Mom with both of her bundles of joy.

I remember when Emme looked this tiny in her car seat.

Such a little Sweetie!

Emme getting in on the St. Patty's day fun!

Papa and the gang.

These snuggles go away so quickly, you've got to take advantage of them while you can.

Emme looks like quite the lady!

Gigi and Grampy with the two little ones.  I don't know how we would manage without them!

Emme's favorite new job;  Holding baby Carter whenever she can!

All packed up and ready to go to Caleb's Birthday!

This is just amusing :)

Emme made out very well at the Easter egg hunt.

My favorite picture of the two of them together!

A wonderful day for an egg hunt.

Just a perfect picture over at Auntie Jeanette's

Look what I found!

Emme was so good to share her eggs with Carter.

Emme has turned into the little mommy, feeding her baby, burping it, and taking care of it when it cries.


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