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In response to: Meet Carter James Boissonneault!

Amanda Grant [Visitor]
What wonderful pictures! I can't wait to meet Carter =D I'll be around Saturday, maybe I can stop by then?

Love you!
PermalinkPermalink 03/09/10 @ 11:35

In response to: Meet Carter James Boissonneault!

Chrissy [Visitor]
Congrats Nikki, Ray & Emerson... she already looks like she is such a wonderful loving big sister.. He is going to be a lucky little boy...
PermalinkPermalink 03/09/10 @ 11:27

In response to: Christmas Cookies with Emerson

Kathy [Visitor]
I had to laugh out loud when Emerson said Ho-ho at the mention of Santa, every child's best friend this time of year. You are such a good Mom to make Christmas cookies with your baby... flour and sugar everywhere but that's nothing compared to all the smiles. Just loved this clip!
PermalinkPermalink 12/22/09 @ 17:46

In response to: Christmas Cookies with Emerson

That's my great granddaughter!!! She's the best (and the cutest)
PermalinkPermalink 12/21/09 @ 17:56

In response to: Christmas Cookies with Emerson

Simone [Visitor]
Loved the chuckle and then the Ho Ho, when Nikki said Santa claus! Cookie baking is one of the very best parts of Christmas!
PermalinkPermalink 12/21/09 @ 14:19

In response to: First Snow of the Season

Simone [Visitor]
Talk about pretty in PINK!!! and your scenes... could use them on a Christmas card thay are so pretty!
PermalinkPermalink 12/09/09 @ 09:44

In response to: Never knew one word could be so cute!

Kathy [Visitor]
Your Emerson is as cute as button! I've never seen such big brown eyes and beautiful eyelashes. Enjoy your Christmas. I'm looking forward to more pictures of your little princess.
PermalinkPermalink 12/01/09 @ 17:56

In response to: Four Months Old Today

Aunt Betty [Visitor]
Little Luke is so precious! He is growing by leaps and bounds. Tonight I talked with Cousin Kristin and I
told her about this website. She
was rather "down" because she had
just lost her job and I thought
Luke could cheer her up. Thank you
so much for keeping us up to date
with pictures (and captions no
less)!! Best wishes from us to you
Brian on your new job. Love to you
three! Aunt Betty
PermalinkPermalink 08/23/09 @ 00:02

In response to: Busy Last Month

Laurie [Visitor]
It looks like you all had a great time. Luke seems to have charmed everyone.
Not that I am surprised, he's such a darling little "buckeye"! Do you have a
photo of Luke with his Great Grand Pa that you could post? Thanks!
PermalinkPermalink 08/08/09 @ 08:54

In response to: 7 Weeks Old

Ray, Nikki & Emerson [Visitor]
Oh my, does he look just like his Daddy! He is adorable, we can't wait to see him again in person and pinch those adorable little cheeks!
PermalinkPermalink 06/07/09 @ 19:15

In response to: Luke is here

Aunt Tam [Visitor]
He's beautiful! Congratulations -- so happy to hear momma and baby are both well. Enjoy this special time! Love, Aunt Tam
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 23:06

In response to: Luke is here

Aunt Tam [Visitor]
He's beautiful! Congratulations -- so happy to hear momma and baby are both well. Enjoy this special time! Love, Aunt Tam
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 23:05

In response to: Welcome to Luke Paul Boissonneault

Kelly Desrochers [Visitor]
Congratulations Tab & Brian!! Luke is absolutely beautiful! Very anxious to meet him!
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 21:35

In response to: Luke is here

debbie and jim [Visitor]
We send all of our best wishes to you all, now TRY and relax for a few days, if someone wants to do something for you let them and don't feel guilty at all. You have earned a rest. Babies grow sooo fast, so all of us enjoy holding them and caring for them.
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 11:45

In response to: Luke is here

Papa & Nana [Visitor]
Luke is just beautiful! We are so happy for all of you-and cannot wait to come to Maine. Love you so much
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 10:21

In response to: Luke is here

Ray & Nikki [Visitor]
Congratulations! I was really happy to hear everything went well. We'll see you soon!

Ray & Nikki
PermalinkPermalink 04/18/09 @ 09:16

In response to: Easter & Nikki's Birthday

Neil [Visitor]
Happy Birthday Nikki!
PermalinkPermalink 04/13/09 @ 21:48

In response to: Luke's Room

Debbie [Visitor]
Great Job, It looks so bright and cheery. Hope you are getting some rest before the BIG Day. Now relax and enjoy. Nik's Mom Debbie
PermalinkPermalink 03/31/09 @ 20:35

In response to: Four Weeks and Counting

Nikki [Visitor]
Tab - you look amazing.
We are SO excited to meet baby Luke when he makes his big debut! Enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy, get as comfortable as possible and rest as much as you can.
PermalinkPermalink 03/15/09 @ 21:33

In response to: Ladybug, Ladybug

Kathy [Visitor]
Hi, Nik!
Your little girl is such a happy baby. She brings a smile to my face every time I see new pictures of her. So glad she enjoyed Halloween. She is the cutest ladybug I've ever seen.
PermalinkPermalink 11/05/08 @ 08:38

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