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Ladybug, Ladybug


Permalink 09:41:09 pm, by Nikki Email , 190 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Ladybug, Ladybug

Emerson had quite an eventful 1st Halloween. She was the cutest bug in town, thanks to her Memere's sewing skills, and had a great time "marching" in the local parade and watching the kids play at the Haunted Halloween set-up at the local fire station.




And some older photos that haven't made it to the blog yet...Emme keeps us pretty busy these days with crawling and pulling up on everything. She still loves moving ALL around the house in her walker and is probably not going to need the walker to get around pretty soon...

Our model in training



Emerson and her Great Grammy


?Emerson prefers white to red at this point


If God meant our feet to stay on the ground, they would have been attached to it!?




You can't tell me that she isn't the cutest thing EVER!?


Innocently Curious


The hair keeps growing and growing...


I'm ready for my close up (actually she's ready to attack the camera, as usual)


Emerson's first apple picking excursion in Maine




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