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Emerson's Day at the Fair


Permalink 05:31:11 pm, by Ray Email , 292 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emerson's Day at the Fair

August has been a busy month for Emme. ? She's begun to crawl and decided that it's not for her. ? So she is trying her hardest to go straight to walking. ? This includes pulling herself up on everything in sight and even letting go and standing on her own ? (so far she can manage about 5-10 seconds!) ? We got her a walker at the Children's Orchard and she is beginning to figure it out. ?

Emerson had her 6 month checkup this week and everything is good. ? She's 17.1 lbs and 27 1/2" long. ? She's either going to be basketball star or a volleyball pro. ? We are entertaining offers for scholarships now. ? Sign her while you can :) ?

Emerson and Co. went to the Spencer Fair today. ? It was a fun time
with Gigi and Grampy and we got to meet a whole bunch of new animals. ? We got to see the piglets race, and some HUGE oxen pulling



Look Ma, ? No hands!! ?
This tastes a bit sour?!?
Yey, freedom. ? They'll never catch me now!!
Mmmm, Juice! ? See, I can hold it on my own Mama!
So MANY cute outfits... ? So little time before I grow out of them!!!


At the Fair



Meet Mr. Camel. ? Do you think he can reach me from here??
A new one for the entire family. ? Have you ever heard of a breed of four-horned goats??
I think Mama's trying to feed him my toes!!



Two huge oxen. ? For a little perspective, this is one of the biggest pickup trucks Ford makes. ? I'm not even sure they'll fit in the trailer.



Piglet #3's in the lead around the final corner!!
Our own little sunflower :)
Give me some pink sand, a margarita, an umbrella and I'm set!!



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