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Permalink 08:59:10 pm, by Brian Email , 0 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Four Weeks and Counting


Permalink 10:18:19 pm, by Ray Email , 777 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emerson Update and Bermuda

?First a few new things.? We had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of my friend's, Danny and Liz, wedding in Bermuda over this past weekend.? We really had such a great time seeing all of our friends that have spread around the country.? We were really nervous about leaving Emerson for the first time though. Gigi and Grampy did an excellent job taking care of her while we were away for four days. Mumma did a really good job relaxing through the process too!
And of course, wouldn't you know it, these were the fastest growing four days of her life yet!? We came home to a little girl who seemed so different already.? The first thing I thought when we saw her was that her hair seemed longer :)? Anyway, I sat down next to her and she WALKED up to me!? That's right, her first steps happened while we were away.? In addition to that, she cut her first tooth the night we got back.? SOOO much can happen in just four days!
Emerson also started figuring out the game of Peek-A-Boo on her own.? You gotta watch this:
?There have been so many great times with Emerson and family and friends that we haven't had time to capture them all!? Here are some additional pictures of things that havent' made it to the blog yet.
?Here Emerson is swinging with her friend Dylan at the park.? With the weather being so cold, it's a good chance that this will be the last time on the swings until next year.


Emerson makes the cutest fish faces :)? She does this while smacking her lips after eating.? Very CUTE!

We are always checking the length of her hair during bathtimes.? This was taken in October, about 8 month old.? There is no way an 8 month old should have hair between her shoulder blades.
How lucky am I to have these two cute ladies around me all the time?!?
Here are some pictures from the corn maze in Maine.? We had a lot of fun visiting with cousins Caleb and Isaac.
It seems that Emerson is more interested in Isaac than the cows behind the fence. ?
Posing for the camera, her favorite thing to do.? Mumma loves this coat.? It makes her look so fashionable :)
Cousins Caleb and Isaac in the corn bin.? Who knew it was such a happenin place to be??
?For Halloween, Caleb was a Fisherman ...?
And brother Isaac was the fish!!


?We had a really good time in Bermuda.? A nice long 5 day weekend spent visiting with friends and relaxing.? The weather during the wedding day was perfect, you couldn't have asked for any better.? Unfortunately, it was not quite as nice for the rest of the trip.? We still had a very good time, and it gives us an excuse to go back :) ?
We stayed at the Grotto Bay Beach Resort.? I was surprised at the quality of the resort as compared to the relative price of the resorts around Bermuda.? I must also say that Bermudans on the whole are the nicest people I've had the chance to meet.? By the time we had gotten through Bermuda Immigration, we felt like we had arleady been given a tour of the whole Island.? The Immigration officer seemed more like an ambassador, pointing out all of the spots we should visit and the attractions that were near our hotel.? Quite a change from the U.S. Immigration, where you always feel like you are on trial to get back into your own country!?
Oh, and you gotta love the palmolives ;)
?This cave was on the resort property.? There were several caves within walking distance of the resort, but I felt that the one on the resort itself was the best.? A huge cavern with ancient stalagtites (from the ceiling) and stalgmites (from the floor) and crystal clear water.? It was a really peaceful spot to visit.
This is a picture of the wedding party in front of the church.? It is the oldest operating church in the western hemisphere. (you can right click on the picture and click "View Image" to see a full sized version)
This was the view from the balcony in our room.? The water was as blue as the Carribean and had gorgeous coral reefs sprinkled throughout.
What's a vacation without a nap??
Our picture of the Bermuda Beach.? Unfortunately we didnt' get a chance to visit one of the pink sand beaches on the south side of the Island due to the bad weather.? But our beach was just as nice!


Permalink 09:41:09 pm, by Nikki Email , 190 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Ladybug, Ladybug

Emerson had quite an eventful 1st Halloween. She was the cutest bug in town, thanks to her Memere's sewing skills, and had a great time "marching" in the local parade and watching the kids play at the Haunted Halloween set-up at the local fire station.




And some older photos that haven't made it to the blog yet...Emme keeps us pretty busy these days with crawling and pulling up on everything. She still loves moving ALL around the house in her walker and is probably not going to need the walker to get around pretty soon...

Our model in training



Emerson and her Great Grammy


?Emerson prefers white to red at this point


If God meant our feet to stay on the ground, they would have been attached to it!?




You can't tell me that she isn't the cutest thing EVER!?


Innocently Curious


The hair keeps growing and growing...


I'm ready for my close up (actually she's ready to attack the camera, as usual)


Emerson's first apple picking excursion in Maine





Permalink 05:31:11 pm, by Ray Email , 292 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

Emerson's Day at the Fair

August has been a busy month for Emme. ? She's begun to crawl and decided that it's not for her. ? So she is trying her hardest to go straight to walking. ? This includes pulling herself up on everything in sight and even letting go and standing on her own ? (so far she can manage about 5-10 seconds!) ? We got her a walker at the Children's Orchard and she is beginning to figure it out. ?

Emerson had her 6 month checkup this week and everything is good. ? She's 17.1 lbs and 27 1/2" long. ? She's either going to be basketball star or a volleyball pro. ? We are entertaining offers for scholarships now. ? Sign her while you can :) ?

Emerson and Co. went to the Spencer Fair today. ? It was a fun time
with Gigi and Grampy and we got to meet a whole bunch of new animals. ? We got to see the piglets race, and some HUGE oxen pulling



Look Ma, ? No hands!! ?
This tastes a bit sour?!?
Yey, freedom. ? They'll never catch me now!!
Mmmm, Juice! ? See, I can hold it on my own Mama!
So MANY cute outfits... ? So little time before I grow out of them!!!


At the Fair



Meet Mr. Camel. ? Do you think he can reach me from here??
A new one for the entire family. ? Have you ever heard of a breed of four-horned goats??
I think Mama's trying to feed him my toes!!



Two huge oxen. ? For a little perspective, this is one of the biggest pickup trucks Ford makes. ? I'm not even sure they'll fit in the trailer.



Piglet #3's in the lead around the final corner!!
Our own little sunflower :)
Give me some pink sand, a margarita, an umbrella and I'm set!!




Permalink 09:34:21 pm, by Ray Email , 54 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Welcome

A few Videos of Emerson

?A couple of videos to go along with the previous post.


Emerson loves the pool!


Emerson and Isaac in the pool during our camping weekend.



Emme is quite adept at using her jumper, her favorite toy!



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